11 April 2011

Rhode Island Historical Society's John Brown House Museum

Last week we toured the Rhode Island Historical Society's John Brown House Museum. This wonderfully maintained 18th century house is located in the historic section of Providence. What most impressed me about the site was the textile collection dispersed throughout the property. Figures in each room showcase textiles from their collection in a manner similar to how they would have been worn, such as a woman sitting in the parlor at a tea table.

For textile gurus, there are some historical inaccuracies (a late 19th century shaw paired with a mid 18th century quilted petticoat in a room interpreting the late 18th century). But it's encouraging and exciting to see this technique as it's one that I think is underutilized by many house museums who often have fabulous textile collections hidden in boxes.

I didn't illegally take a picture to illustrate my point so you'll have to check it out for yourself. The house and it's impressive collection (which includes several pieces of Townsend & Goddard furniture, a Clagget clock, and an 18th century carriage) is well worth the $8 admission price.

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