11 March 2013

A bit on hats

Is anyone wearing an Easter bonnet this year? I'm not...but let's look at details on some 18th century hats and a cap for fun...

Miss Baldwin, 1760s
National Portrait Gallery UK, Accession Number NPG D586

It looks like the ribbon on Miss Baldwin's hat is about 2 inches thick and the back is flipped up. I find it interesting that she wears a bow on her right side. In the examples I used to document the hat I made last fall, both portraits showed the bow worn on the left side, but it seems the right side is equally accurate.

Detail from A Girl Buying a Ballad, c.1778  

Miniature portrait of Eliza Champlin c.1785

Lady wearing a large white cap c.1780
National Gallery of Art, Accession Number 1980.62.45

A Young Lady, c.1790
Elle Shushan Philadelphia, PA antiques dealer

Baby girl, c.1795
Elle Shushan Philadelphia, PA antiques dealer

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